There’s a good chance we all know Olay. Maybe we’ve seen it at Target, seen it advertised on TV or have even seen it inside our mom’s bathroom vanity mirror. It’s well-loved by loyal fans that span generations. This issue is… how does a legacy brand like Olay transition into the newer mediums and capture the Gen Z audience?
The answer was to explore as many different creative angles as possible and see what resonated. That’s really the beauty of social media — you can see what’s working vs what isn’t working in real time. Your audience will literally tell you what they like or don’t like in the comments. Then, whenever we saw certain creative perform better than the others, we expanded upon it.
I will be the first to admit that I had an absolute blast writing for Olay. There was a bit of a learning curve to understanding all the different phone editing programs that went into TikTok, but I got the hang of it and really let my weird, quirky storytelling style shine through.