Peace Tea wanted something different. Their audience skews younger, but Peace Tea wanted to make sure they were top of mind as Generation Z grows up. They wanted to be bold, and we had an idea.
Kids today are unlike kids from any other generation They’ve had to grow up a lot faster. They’re more aware of the state of the world, and you’re damn sure they have opinions about it. It’s hard to be a kid. They have all these ideas, but no audience to listen to them. So we thought Peace Tea could give them a platform to speak these ideas.
Going into the election year, we wanted to create the Peace Tea YouthVote, where the leaders of tomorrow could vote on the issues of today. Then after the vote, we would use our media budget to amplify their voice. We wanted to show the current voting population what the future voting population thought.
First, we had to promote the YouthVote.
We would lead them to where they would be able to register and vote on issues.
Click to scroll through the questions.
Once we collected the votes, we would transition the campaign to reflect the results.
These lines were a lot of fun to write :).