Visit Tallahassee

Visit Tallahassee

Tallahassee may be Florida’s capital, but without a beach or main attraction, the city is often M.I.A. when people plan their Florida vacations.

In order to position Tallahassee as a travel destination that people will consider, we needed to combine all the little things there is to love about the city into one central selling point. 

We took the core messaging of “#IHeartTally”, Visit Tallahassee’s preexisting social media campaign, and elevated it through print and digital executions.

(Click photos to pop them a Viagra)

There’s a side of Florida unseen by those who stick to the beaches. Inside the 52-acre Tallahassee Museum, you’ll discover some of Florida’s most beloved and endangered animals. There’s just more to enjoy with #IHeartTally, both up close and from a safe distance.

If you prefer to sit back with the rhythms of a Jazz & Blues Festival or stand with the sold out crowds of the Capital City Amphitheater at Cascades park — do it. That’s why we’re here. There’s just more to love with #IHeartTally.

Some cities don’t have home teams like FSU or FAMU. They don’t have giant stadiums and probably wouldn’t know the first thing about Saturday tailgating. That’s why they’re over there and we’re over here, Ladies and Gents. There’s just more to experience with #IHeartTally.

A 15 second pre-roll ad designed to play off Youtube's 5-second 'skip ad' option.